Some Christians are what I call, “single-issue.” I recall
one family that left a church because everything did not revolve around
Evangelism Explosion. But that's just one issue.
The issue I'm thinking about is
abortion on demand. Some concerned Christians expect their pastor to thunder
away almost each week on this topic, or at least mention it. He must make it is
his central motif. He must protest outside the abortion clinic. If he doesn’t, he
can say he’s against abortion all he likes, but it’s not enough.
Motivating the single-issue
congregant is a deeper judgment. He thinks that the ultimate reason abortion on
demand still happens is because pastors let it. Churches let it.
As one who has taken a virulent stand against abortion, both
in the pulpit and with pen, I can say without qualification, “I hate it.” Period. I pray the day that Roe is overturned. Nonetheless, as a
former pastor, an as one who may return to the pulpit someday, here’s the
bottom line.
We are called to feed the sheep. There are A LOT of
sheep, with A LOT of issues, and ALL in need of my attention. Looming divorces,
adulteries, disciplinary cases, spousal abuse, explaining to a family why God
let their 26-year-old Army Veteran son die of a brain tumor, being torn down by
at least one congregant each week, Presbytery responsibilities, and on and on
and on and on and on it goes.
Added to that, I am buried under a pile of administrative
responsibilities. I am so pressed for time that I can barely get a sermon
together for Sunday. Also, I have a family, my first ministry, and the needs
there are formidable. I also have a body and a Spirit, which cry out for
It is totally exhausting. And
totally time consuming.
As much as I hate baby killing; as much as I look to the
day the madness ends, I also feel compelled to speak these words in love. Sidewalk
counseling is not the forth sign of the Church.
Now, I’ll concede that some
conservative pastors have capitulated on this issue. But here’s the deal. Do not
think that just because a pastor doesn’t make abortion his No 1, front burner
issue, that that is justification to judge, or worse, vow never to sit in a pew
again. The context of the pastorate, particularly for solo pastors, simply does
not permit any one man to make abortion the umbrella issue, under which
everything else in the church revolves.
Being a pastor is the highest
calling a man can have. But it's also the hardest. Pray for your pastor. Love
your pastor. In fact, minister to your pastor. He’s human too. And by all means
don’t gauge him or his church through a single issue, as radically important as
it is.
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