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Showing posts from June, 2015

When the Pillars Are Removed

Years ago, Robert Bork wrote the book, Slouching Toward Gomorrah . In time, we starting running toward Gomorrah. Now we’re there. But now that we’re here, a large problem faces freedom-loving people. Tyranny. Let me explain. It’s clear that most American policymakers have rejected the “laws of nature.” The internal rationale of nature that defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman is now being suppressed so severely, it’s as if “Who’s buried in Grant’s tomb” can be answered any way you want. And guess what? You’re all right. There are no wrong answers. I mean, we wouldn’t want to infer that any one’s personal moral choices are wrong, would we? Most American lawgivers also now reject the laws “of nature’s God.” Biblical morality has no place in American jurisprudence. Then there is written law. Judges no longer “interpret” the law. The create it. That was made clear when Chief Justice John Roberts fixed Obamacare to make it work. That caused Justice Antoni...

We've Lost America... Unless

Many Christian people, troubled over the Supreme Court's decision to give formal recognition to same-sex marriage, have been discussing the next steps. Here's our problem: Most Christians in the U.S. are first and second generation believers without a legacy of suffering for the gospel. They have been fed a steady diet of entertainmement, leadership principles, dead tradition, and mollified spirituality. Most do not evangelize. They rarely pray except in the face of a crisis. And they are not schooled in spiritual warfare. They have not been tested. That's not the sort of training that makes for warriors for Christ. Worse yet, too many church-goers have gone on record supporting the Court's decision! Let me tell you.  Our nation is weak abroad because we are weak at home. How can we stand against immoral threats to freedom abroad when we celebrate immorality at home? To turn back the tide of institutionalized immorality and see true spiritual revival and refor...

Did God Just Give America Over?

Romans 1:26-27 records, “For this reason   God gave them over to   degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural,   and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another,   men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. ” In the history of theology there have been two prominent ways to interpret these verses. One is that homosexuality is a sin that God will someday judge. But the other interpretation, which interestingly is held by both liberal and conservative scholars, is that homosexuality IS God’s judgement on people that went too far in their rebellion. Their judgment has already started. Ironically, then, when a homosexual says, “God made me this way”, they’re right! Now that doesn’t mean God approves of homosexuality. Just the opposite. It means God doesn’t approve, so much so in ...

Sorry, I'm not Circling the Wagons on Homosexual Marriage

Since this morning, when I first heard of the Supremes’ decision to give carte blanche to gay weddings, I've been reading a litany of Facebook posts and Internet articles about how churches can weather the storm that’s apparently coming our way.  One article advises that the churches draft a clear statement of faith that includes  “a statement on marriage, gender, and sexuality." It goes on to say “Be sure that your statement on gender identity establishes a normative connection between gender and biological sex.” Say. Didn’t we already do that? I think it’s found in Genesis 1:26-28 and elsewhere. Now what if a same-sex couple comes and wants you to perform their marriage? Another article recommends that you just tell the couple you only marry members of your church. That way you don't have to marry them plus you avoid any legal push back. Well, I have a better idea. Just say, "I don't marry homosexual or lesbian people because homosexuality is a sin agai...