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Showing posts from November, 2009

John Frame's Festschrift

Speaking the Truth in Love: the Theology of John M. Frame is now available. I must say that it is a true blessing to participate by contributing a chapter to this volume. My contribution is titled, "John Frame's Theology in the Present Cultural Context." One reason why my involvement is meaningful to me is because there are three people who have influenced my ministry the most over the past 25 years. When I mention the three names, many people are stunned that one of them is John Frame. The other two, by the way, are the late Jack Miller, and Henry Krabbendam. Now here's a real secret that I rarely tell anyone. Behind all three of these men is yet another figure who has influenced me even more than these; in fact, he did much to guide the thought of the three men mentioned above. He is Cornelius Van Til. But focusing on the three, I would say that it is John Frame who did the most to fashion the way in which I think about ministry (Dr. Miller helped to put...

Traditional Wordview Categories

“A biblical Worldview is seeing the world the way God sees it. It is thinking God’s thoughts after him in all areas of life” ( Earth Restored, 2002). As those of you who have read my book Earth Restored know, I do not typically treat the topic of Christian worldview according to philosophical categories, as is typically the case in many Christian colleges. However, this is not to say that we cannot learn a great deal from the traditional categories. The following offers a list of the traditional worldview elements and their implications for our cultural debate, much of which follows the thinking of Ronald Nash. Epistemology : “The branch of philosophy that studies the nature of knowledge, its presuppositions and foundations, and its extent and validity.” Secular humanism claims that the basis for knowledge is autonomous reason. The God Christians believe in is the God who has revealed himself in the Old and New Testaments. The Christian faith is a revealed-religion . Ron...

The Plight of East African Children

I have written a short piece titled, "The Plight of East African Children in the Light of 2 Kings 2:1-7." It appears on my website, which you can link to on this site. The piece interacts with several articles in a major Ugandan newspaper called The New Vision, as well as some statistics relevant to the children of Uganda. I read the newspaper while flying from Entebbe to Amsterdam on my way home to the States. I freely admit that the article does not do justice to the whole of the problem facing the children of East Africa, but it may offer you a brief bit of insight into a root cause of the problem. I plan on several more such articles dealing with East African culture and society. Please read it when you get a chance and feel free to offer some feedback.

Have Christians Lost the Culture War on ESPA

The Evangelical Political Scholars Association homepage is this month highlighting my recent presentation at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church: "Have Christians Lost the Culture War?" EPSA exists to facilitate a professional network of evangelical scholars interested in exploring the questions that underlie political life. You can share your thoughts on my speech by visiting the ESPA website at In case you are interested, above is a rendering of John Locke, a bit of a political thinker himself.